Tuesday 27 September 2016

Research- Front Cover Research 1+ Uncut


The masthead is red which makes it stand it on the black and white black ground. It is a harsh colour which is a code for rock . It is a classic rock magazine so having the harsh colour helps with the genre of the magazine. Red gives off a sense of danger and rebellion, which links to the convention of rock. The masthead is behind the photo so is covered up which suggests this magazine is well known because people will still recognise it even if it is covered . It breaks convention because there is a shadow to the font.This is not normally used in mastheads , so it breaks the conventions . The font is sans serif , it looks like the edges have been cut which links with the name 'uncut'. It doesn't take all the lenght of the front cover it is moved to the side to make room for a banner. 

The image is very busy there is alot going on. It is black and white which is very  retro, vintage and classic which matches the theme of classic rock. The picture is all the background which makes it focused on by the readers . The artists are wearing leather jackets is a code for classic rock, the long hair is a code for retro . The image shows a very classic and traditional rock n roll / punk look. The star is an image which supports Dyer's theory . The star is very relaxed and looks causal however, they would not look like this in their everyday life. The sun glasses  makes the two members look intimidating .

The font of the band name is bigger than the cover lines, this is to draw attention to the main article . The colours range so they stand out on the black and white background. This is good because the cover lines pop out of the page.  It adds another layer to the front cover. Having a black and white background with either black or white font would look plain.

There are six cover stories on the front cover and one main feature article this gives an insight to the reader of what is in the magazine. There are many puffs used, 1-2-3-4 is used before the band name. This gives the sound of when a band start a concert or are introducing the start of a song they are performing . Another puff used is free this makes the reader feel like they will gain something from buying the magazine. The magazine uses a banner to promote the weekly features of the magazine . They dont have a slogan however, they have lyrics at the top  of the magazine .

How this research has influenced my planning and creativity ?
  • I like the black and white background i plan on using this on my own magazine.
  • I dont like the masthead being partly covered because it doesnt make the magazine desirable since people might not recognise it .
  • I like the fonts being in a bright colour against the black and white background because it stands out more .
  • I dont like the poses the artist has used since they look very intimating which  i dont want for my magazine. 

1 comment:

  1. A good first attempt at analysing a music magazine front cover, Sophie. To improve this you now need to: highlight all subject terminology, make links to theory and add more cutaways.
