Friday 30 September 2016

Research front cover +2


The masthead is a light colour to blend with the background , it uses pastel colours which are in fashion at the moment. It is very spaced out between the letters. I think the masthead breaks conventions because it isnt bright and bold like magazines normally have their mastheads . The font is sans serif this gives the magazine a more modern look.The font style is a code for Wire magazine [Barthes] .

The image used is very modern , the photographer uses lighting to present a more modern magazine .It adds layers to the image and shows the quality of the magazine.Its very clear and sharp. Just from the image I know that this is a high quality magazine. The image is very aesthetically pleasing to the eye . The shirt she wears looks dirty and and is tie dyed to look as if she's been doing something eg art / painting . They present the singer has an artist who works with paint instead of a music artist. She looks like she's admiring her work she just created. She looks intimidating which breaks conventions because of the genre of her music and the colours used. It presents the artist as a strong independent woman which is the new image of women [Barthes] .This is because she is wearing a males shirt and has her hair short which is not normally done. The lighting is brighter on the center of her face  which draws attention to her impression and the artist her self. They have blurred the background of the photograph to show all focus is on her.  She breaks conventions just by looking away from the camera. This breaks the convention of Laura Mulveys theory , that women are viewed for the pleasure of male pleasure. This is because of how she is presented as strong and independent and wearing baggy clothes.   The barcode is on the side of this magazine which breaks a convention because it is normally on the bottom on a magazine. 

The font is sans serif , this creates a very modern look. The sans serif font is a code [Barthes]for the magazine since they use this style on each cover. The text is very spread out which creates a very modern and stylist image.It shows the quality of the magazine which means they can charge a higher price .  The colour of the font is white which pops out of the page due to the colour background it is on . The colour scheme for this issue is mainly light colours. Some of the writing is in capital letters which makes it bold.

How this research has influenced my planning and creativity?

  • I love the photography I think i will use this  for my magazine 
  • I dont like that there isnt much text on the cover 
  • I also really like the letters being more spaced out 
  • I dont like the masthead not being as bold as it is on some other magazine. '

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