Friday 16 September 2016

Selection and Rejection

This photo is a medium close up , I like the back ground of this photo the window gives the picture light. I wouldn't use this because the model is about to laugh and it doesn't give a good angle of her face.  I won't use this photo because of the lighting and the angle she is looking. The light makes the photo dark where she is stood.

This photo is also a medium close up,  She looks away from the camera which I like however, she looks very serious which I don't like because I think the picture should show the fun and happy side of college . The top of her head is cut off a little at the top.

This is the photo I am going to use !

I like how she is looking away from the camera, this is a medium close up. I also like the background. It is very plain so it draws attention to her. She also looks like she is interested in college life , it shows shes interested in her surroundings  . Shes very distant to the readers and it gives more of an insight into college life it looks like a more natural picture.

I dont like this photo because the light reflects off the models glasses. Also half of her head is gone which means this picture isnt a very good medium close up .The window is also in the background which I dont like because it makes the background messy because people will be able to tell it isnt meant to be in picture

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