Friday 30 December 2016

Double page spread final

This is the final double page spread, I have used the red on her lips on the front cover to create synergy throughout my magazine.

Contents Final

This is the final draft of my contents , I have created synergy with the front cover due to the red and blue used on each.

Front Cover Final

This is the final front cover I have made, I am happy with how this drafts looks and think it would meet my target audience. I like how the colours contrast each other and are bright which draw the readers attention.

Wednesday 28 December 2016

Media Institutions Research

Time Inc UK
Image result for timeinc ukHas 60 brands which are available on many platforms. It was formly known as IPC Media , it doesn't have many music magazines which could be good as it might encourage them to step into that market. It has many brands such as Whats on tv , Uncut , Now and NME. You can subscribe to any of the magazines . It has many global offices which are : New York metro ; Amsterdam ; Bangalore ; Birmingham ; Chicago ;Hong Kong ; London ; Los Angeles ; Seattle ; SF Bay Area ;Stamford ; Tampa and Farnborough. The company has been going since around 1800.


 Is an international publishing group. Future was set up in 1985 . Future has a portfolio of over 200 print titles, apps, websites and events. Having websites and apps show the brand is up to date and appeals the magazines to young people. Offices in the UK, USA and Australia.
Some brands include Guitarist ; musicradar ; Rhythm ; Bass ; Acoustic  ; Blues. 

Anthem Publishing 

Uk's only publisher of both music-making and music-listening magazines. Is also fastest growing publishing company. Has brands such as:
Country music : News, reviews and previews which keep readers purchasing the magazine .Many of the readers only listen to country music and are brand loyal. Age range is around 20-40 year olds.
Vintage rock: covers fashion, cars, tours and new music to do with the rock era 50s-60s and it includes album reviews and events ect... audience profile is male ,50's and has high levels of disposable income.
Classic Pop: biggest selling pop magazine for an adult readership, based on 60's,70's,80's and music today . includes live reviews ,you tube playlists so readers can keep up with favourite artists .The market is rock pop / pop. The audience profile is male in their 40's.

Saturday 10 December 2016

Front cover drafts

Draft 1                                                                                                                 Draft 5

Draft 2                                                                                                                                        Draft 6

Draft 3                                                                                                                                              Draft 4

Friday 2 December 2016

Selection and Rejection for shoot 4

 I like this photo because it shows the model being serious and almost intimidating , however, I wouldn't use this image for my magazine because it doesn't show her fun side.

I like this photo because of the lights that I captured in it, I think it gives a more festive feel which is the season my magazine would be out in. I also think it adds another layer onto the photo and captures her happy side.

I love this picture because it shows the models fun side. It shows she is relaxed and is looking directly into the camera which creates a relationship with the reader, which is what I want my magazine to do.I would use this for my double page spread.
 I like this image because it shows the artist is being her normal self and is more comfortable. It also creates an attitude because she is not looking into the camera.
I will use this image on my contents page because it shows the model having fun with her dog and enjoying the shoot. It will also distract the reader from outside life because it gets them intrigued to why she has her dog.

Thursday 1 December 2016

phootshoot plan 4

This photoshoot is for my contents page however,  I may use these for my double page spread.The location of this shoot will be in a set up studio at a friends house. I will be walking to the location and my model will be already there.My model (greta) will be the same as my front cover.The outfit she will be wearing is a green jumpsuit and a necklace . Her make up will be simple with just eyeliner . My shots will mostly be close ups or a medium close up.The lighting will be bright to give a positive image.I will frame my shot by being in the center and some looking over the model.I will reach my TA because my model will look fun and sexy .

Wednesday 30 November 2016

double page spread article draft

Alex is one of the biggest selling jazz artist of our time but do we really know her. In this exclusive interview we dig into her past and how she has become the Alex we know and love her. Alex recently announced a new (different) dug up the gossip and the true meanings behind her songs. So in a retro coffee shop we got to work for you guys!

After having a break from the public eye we are the first magazine Alex has talked to and haven’t we got lots in store for you !  
What was the most difficult period of your life? ‘My school life was the hardest time of my life, I struggled with almost every subject even at college. So I understand what some of my fans maybe going through, I love to feel like I can help them by my music. ‘Did you feel alone and did you listen to music to help? Yes I did feel very alone (pauses) I didn’t have an artist I could relate to which is why it means so much to me to be there for my fans ‘.  What did you use as an escape? ‘I used my own music, I put my anger and hurt into my music so that I did have a release, it did help and I hope I can just help others’. Alex’s songs are well known to be based on her past experiences in life which have proved very popular with jazz audiences across the years, winning her many awards including 3 jazz time’s best new album and best new coming artist in jazz. Over the last year Alex has been on a break from her music however, she has announced recently on her social media that a new album will be out December this year. What influenced this album? ‘Lots of things really. I guess my home life. My mum isn’t very well so I guess that was a big factor of what inspired me. But I just wrote what I felt it wasn’t inspired my anything really expect my feelings.’ How long have you been working on the album for and is there any special experiences we can know about? ‘The album has been in progress for around a year and a half I did most my writing while I took my break. I wish I could tell you! But I want it to be a surprise for my fans.  Is there any other big news we should know about? ‘You’ll see, I can’t tell any secrets yet ‘.  Her fans still have some waiting to do. But we did get some juicy gossip on the meanings of some of the songs on the new album (different), we picked the five most popular from the tweets we received and asked her.
War of hearts
‘The meaning of the songs is just about really fighting with a partner but you do it out of love. Me and my boyfriend fight all the time but we never mean it so one day I just thought. HEY! Write a song about it!’
‘This is probably the least emotional song I have. It’s literally just about the water of the sea. While I was on holiday (Italy) I looked out and thought of how beautiful it was so I just sat with my note pad and it just happened.’
‘This is more personal, it’s about my friend’s addiction to drugs. I wanted to write something about it and I thought it would make her see she wasn’t alone. And that’s all there is to that song’
‘Old is about when we get old we get fragile and I don’t want to be like that. I wanna stay like this forever. Its also about that id like to grow old with someone not alone because for me that’s my worst fear.
Letting go
‘A family member recently passed away and this song and the production of it really helped me find my way and helped me handle my emotions. I didn’t wanna talk to anyone so instead I guess I could say I talked to my pen and notebook and wrote a song.

We also surprised 2 lucky fans with a chance to ask their own questions. The fans molly aged 15 and Liam aged 17 asked 2 questions and got their chance with their idol. Liam: did you have any friends at school or college and what did you do? Alex: I didn’t have many I had a close friend who didn’t go to the same place as me so I just put my all into school to try understand but I ended up going to music in my free time working on my music which I guess is pretty sad ( laughs). Molly: how did you cope with exams? Alex: I took breaks it’s never good working yourself to hard. And I made sure I had an escape, which was my music.’ Liam: how did you get recognised? ‘I entered a lot of competitions in school so that had helped but it was mostly singing on the street at the right place right time. I got spotted by pure luck really! Molly: do you think your background and where you came from effected your chance? ‘Honestly yes I do think I would have been singled out if people knew, I was from a rough area and that intimated people and made them doubt if I could do it. I think I was very lucky but if I can make it anyone can.’
We can expect to see Alex at the jazz festival and Glastonbury this year where we will catch up with her again. Her new album ‘different’ is due out in December but available to pre order now on iTunes. Keep up to date with all things Alex on her social media and the Iconic website where the interview is available online to watch and to listen to on our podcast .

contents page drafts

Thursday 17 November 2016

Questionnaire results analysis

Question 1 shows that people consume media in a range of ways so to I need to take this into consideration when making my magazine, I need it to be available in many shops and online and available to download.

Image result for itunes logoQuestion 2 shows most people dont buy magazines because they are not interested in the contents so I need to make sure my features are interesting another reason is  they are  too expensive so to make sure people buy my magazine I will have to consider if my price is too high. 

Question 3 shows that people are attracted to the magazines for many different reasons. I need to make sure my magazine includes all the things the people from the questionnaire responses suggested.

Question 4 shows that people like my masthead however, some people did not know what a masthead was , I should have used less media terminology in my questions.
Image result for self help
Question 5 everyone likes the features I have used , however, people dislike the salmon colour so I will change this to a different colour.Id like to change this to red , so in another questionnaire I will mention this.

Question 6 everyone thinks the price is fair so this helps me achieve question 2.However, some would pay this price if offered free things.

Question 7 the features interest the audience equally and everyone picked something different which suggests I am meeting the needs and wants of my target audience. 

Question 8 the features interest the audience. Which allows me to charge the price I have and has helped me to get people to be interested in my magazine.
Question 9 a quiz and self help section has been recommended to add in which I will do.

Question 10 some people like the editors letter however, some aren't interested so I will keep it in my magazine to appeal to the people who do want it.

Question 11 People would like enough information so they would be interested so I will keep this in mind .

Image result for editors letterQuestion 12 people like the blue and white however some dont like the salmon I will change this to meet my target audience wants.

Question 13 the story interests the readers which allows me to concentrate on this more on my front cover. .

Question 14 everyone like the theme used because it intrigued them.

Question 15 everyone thinks the topic matches the genre.

Question 16 people like the layout however, more writing on the other page would be liked.

Question 17 people cant think of anything to add but the blue to be darker. 

Questionnaire results

This worked really well because it was online. Most people thought it was easier online and quicker. I used polldaddy to create my survey and to share this with my audience I sent it through Facebook messenger. My questionnaire can be viewed via the url below:

Content page ideas (layout)

This shows different layouts of magazines contents pages that I will help use to construct my own. 

Double Page Spread layout research

I like the layout of this double page spread because of the headline. I like how it is laid on the page. I also like how they used a drop capital . The colours used are plain and I personally dont find them very appealing because of this.I also like that they have used a subheading . The page numbers for this magazine are in the bottom corner, the dps article has 2 columns which have a large gutter in between them.They also use a large drop capital I like this because it's eye catching. The image takes up one page.

This double page spread has all the codes of its genre which is rock, I dont really like that they have done this because I would like to break conventions .However , I do like the colours they have used, this would be good for my magazine because id like red to create imagery of my magazine . I also like the style of font used for the headline.They use 2 columns with a small gap for the gutter. The font style is in a horror type for the 'wild' which represents the bands genre in music (rock). The font size is very small which I dont like because its not as bold as others I have researched.The image is large and takes up a page and some of the next.

I really love the colours used on this double page spread, I also like that they have used a pull quote. I also like how this magazine have done their heading. I also like that they have a subheading.The image takes up a page , they have used a large drop capital ton= draw more attention to it. They use 3 columns but I think 2 would have been better because the font is very small. The font is also texted wrapped around a pull quote.

Planning selection of my favourite 6

I like this photo because her facial expression, it creates the image that she doesn't know where she is and is shocked like she is in wonderland.I will have to crop the photo is I am to use it because you can see behind the screen however, this is not an issue because I will use Photoshop for that.

I like this photo because of her pose, she looks directly into the camera she looks serious, which creates an relationship with the reader.Having her hands near her face suggests shes delicate .She keeps a straight face which intimidates the reader into reading the article .This also needs cropping.

I like this image because she is pictured with a mushroom and looks shocked by it.This creates humour because she is pulling a funny shocked face which shows  the reader she is comfortable.I also like the fact there is a mushroom used a prop, I think it creates the image of Alice and wonderland and portrays it really well, I will also have to crop this image due to being able to see behind the screen.

I like this one because her back is turned to the camera and she is looking back at the camera, this suggests she is going to go explore where she is and to go look around. It creates the image that she is going on an adventure (through her past). This image also needs cropping due to being able to see the sides but that isn't a problem. however I don't think I would use this one for my double page even though I like it.

I like this one because she is looking at the mushroom and examining it. It almost creates the image that she is trying to work out where she is and is looking for clues .I like the lighting because it brings out the colour of her costume . However, I don't think the image is straight and I would need to get rid of the sides which I could do on Photoshop.

I like this image because of how her hands are near her face , however I don't like her facial expression she looks to serious for the pose , which I don't want for my magazine. Again I would have to crop the photo . I also like the lighting on her face because it shows her make up more.

I have not chosen the picture for my double page spread yet however, I know I will use one of these.

Thursday 10 November 2016

Analysing front covers : who are they're target audience

We love pop magazine using alot of pink colours , and banners to stand out of the page . This makes the magazine look more appealing. The star image is presented as her being fun and friendly. Its gives the magazine a young look . The model is dressed in a tight dress which (to me) shows she is a pop star this is also given away by the name of the magazine.I think the target audience for this magazine are 11-14 year old girls , I think this because there is a very fun vibe and young look to the magazine , also because they use pink as a code which is normally associated with young teenagers. Pink gives the image of flowers which are normally associated with girls (Barthes). I think the magazine aims at aspires and Tribe wired because most teenagers want to be like the artist in the magazine and use it for their own personal identity  (Blumer and Katz).  I like the colours used on this front cover as they are bright and fun.

Q magazine use a lot of red , this represents a rebellion (Barthes) like the magazine wants to break codes and conventions and break the rules . The star image is shown as serious and intimidating because his eyes cannot be seen. He is also standing very close to the camera which creates and image of him being ready for a fight. The image shows the other band members in his glasses this suggests he is ready to make music and he is in control .I think the target audience for this magazine is 20-30 year olds male and female however, the colours used and image on this cover are more targeted for men.I think the readers will use this for entertainment eg relaxing ect ( McQuail). Main streamers will be attracted to buy this magazine for the brand name because of how well known it is.

Rocksound magazine present a dark gruesome image on their front cover , this  is a convention of rock magazines. The background is black and very dark creating a mysterious and horror look to the magazine.The red represents blood and the black and dark colours represent evil (Barthes).The star image has many tattoos which is a code for rock , they are all looking into the camera which creates a intimidating feel to the magazine. The target audience for this magazine would be 17-25 because this magazine sometimes contains language which would not be suitable for younger . I think this magazine will appeal to aspires who would buy for the brand name (Blumer + Katz) and used for diversion and personal identity (McQuail).What I like about this photo is the way the stars are presented and the effects of the picture.

How this research influenced my creativity and planning ?

  •  This has shown me that different target audiences want different things
  •  That brand identity is very important

Wednesday 9 November 2016

Photo shoot Plan 3

This photo shoot is for my double page spread.The date of the shoot will be on the 14th November 2016 at 4pm , at Brigg sixth form (media room).Me and my model will already be there since it is after school . The name of my model is Greta Matyziute (same as my front cover). She will be wearing an Alice and wonderland costume because the theme of the Dps article will be 'Alex and wonderland '. I will use a Alice and wonderland background to take pictures of my model.Her make up will consist of a brown smoky eye and purple lipstick. Her hair will be messy (like the front cover). The shots I want are mostly medium close ups and I would like my model to pose like she is shocked or surprised . The lighting will be bright on her to show her importance .I will frame my shot by the model be in the middle.I want my target audience to think the artist is fun and different , I want the shoot to show that is can chill out and make herself look funny! I will break codes and coventions of jazz because the background is not the typical white.The only props I will need are knitted mushrooms.

Tuesday 8 November 2016

Mood board for double page spread ideas

I would like to have the theme for my double spread Alice and wonderland however , I will change this to Alex in wonderland after my star.

How this research influenced my creativity and planning ?

  • This as helped me gather ideas for how my model will look for the next shoot

Monday 7 November 2016

Drawn Drafts

Target audience research slidely

target audience by Slidely Slideshow

Creating this video has helped me visualise who my target audience will be and what they do eg hobbies . This research will help me make my magazine appeal to my target audience more and will help me create and include some of these in my magazine.Using Blumler and Katz has helped me realise why my target audience  may buy my magazine and how to appeal and meet their needs more.
In conclusion, I have chosen my main target audience to be aspires and Tribe Wired.People who would buy the magazine for personal identity and entertainment.

Thursday 3 November 2016

Magazines in WHSmiths

These are some magazines I found in WHSmiths , these will give me ideas on how to set out
my magazine. The magazine that stands out most is the Q magazine at the front this is because of the red logo.
Another magazine that stands out is the is the uncut magazine this is because of the colour of the background, the pink is bright therefore drawing more attention to it. The uncut logo is white which is a nice contrast on the pink.I think the jazz magazines are not as well seen because of how they set out on the shelf and the colours used. The jazz has blended this shows me I need to use bright colours and big font to gain the attention of potential readers.

Tuesday 1 November 2016

Research of mastheads +2

I like this font because of the style . I chose the colour because blue is often used in jazz magazines.
This font also was the most popular in my research . It gives a really retro image 

I like this because there is a shadow and this breaks conventions of mastheads because this is not normally done . This font was not popular in my research and only 2 out of the 10 people i asked choose it.

This font is similar to the second but a different style. I also like the shadow on this for the same reason as the other. 

Research Star Image

The star image that jazz presents is a stylish and formal star. They present there star's as always smartly dressed and give them a more old fashioned way of dressing . They do this by dressing the star in suites or dresses.They present them like this because the target audience is of an older generation .

Image result for jazz magazines front coversThe star is represented to be inviting but the more young stars have attitude  by not looking in the camera, they create a more rock n roll attitude to make the magazine more modern.This ties in with dyers theory he looks to be smart and sophisticated, this therefore suggests people would treat him with more respect.I think this also backs up Richard Dyers theory of how the artist is seen is how they are treated. Because the artist looks calm and inviting meaning others will be more comfortable reading his feature [representation theory].

This represents the star as having an attitude and a cool image. The image they give this star is that he is calm. They dressed the model in a plain white tshirt and a black jacket.  It makes the model look intense . It makes the artist attractive .The model looks like he is a bad boy which would links with Dyers theory[representation theory]. It is also links with Mulveys theory however, it is a more modern view of this theory because he has been made to look like this for womens gaze.

This shows a women star which mine will be. She is presented as sexy and beautiful this supports laura Mulvey's theory of women were created for the male gaze however, in a more modern view she could be seen as independent and strong. She is pictured in a dress (from what it looks like) it seems to be tight which breaks and follows conventions, Jazz magazines normally picture women in dresses however not as tight as this. She is being presented as fun and flirty which breaks the symbolic view of women are meant to look after the children and clean.This supports Dyer's representation theory that a star is an image not a real person.


This shows the difference between the young and the old and how they are presented.

Locations of pictures in existing magazines

 These images are Front covers from jazz magazines , I will use these to see where most jazz magazines take the photos they used.

This one has been taken against a wall, this is a convention of jazz. The image also takes the whole page which is also a convention of Jazz magazines.  They are dressed in casual clothes which breaks conventions of jazz and they look directly in the camera which breaks conventions as well.

This front cover photo is taken while the artist is playing a concert. This is breaking conventions however, many Jazz magazines do this. He is dressed in a suit which is a code and convention of jazz, he is also pictured with instruments which is also  a convention for jazz magazines and they do  this regularly. He is looking away from the camera this is a convention of jazz magazines , it shows he is focused on something else.I dont like this because I dont feel like it interacts with the reader, I wouldnt use  this background for my magazine.

This front cover is taken in a studio which is a convention of jazz magazines, however his outfit breaks conventions. He is wearing more casual clothes which breaks conventions . He is also holding a trumpet which is a code for jazz. I wouldnt use this for my background because I think it is to plain and wouldn't like the image it creates.

The photo for this front cover is taken outside which breaks conventions , it has dark background towards the top hiding what could be behind them creating a mysterious feel to the magazine. The image is darkened so the reader can only see the floor and some bushes behind them. They are wearing casual clothes which breaks conventions of jazz and they look directly in the camera.I like this background because it is different and breaks codes I would use something like this for my magazine however, I would not be able to get there.

This photo is taken in a studio, this follows conventions. The background is plain and matches the colour of the writing making a nice contrast. The artist is kneeling and looking directly in the camera breaking conventions however, it follows conventions because the model is pictured with an instrument. I dont like this background because it is plain and follows conventions.