Friday 30 December 2016

Double page spread final

This is the final double page spread, I have used the red on her lips on the front cover to create synergy throughout my magazine.

Contents Final

This is the final draft of my contents , I have created synergy with the front cover due to the red and blue used on each.

Front Cover Final

This is the final front cover I have made, I am happy with how this drafts looks and think it would meet my target audience. I like how the colours contrast each other and are bright which draw the readers attention.

Wednesday 28 December 2016

Media Institutions Research

Time Inc UK
Image result for timeinc ukHas 60 brands which are available on many platforms. It was formly known as IPC Media , it doesn't have many music magazines which could be good as it might encourage them to step into that market. It has many brands such as Whats on tv , Uncut , Now and NME. You can subscribe to any of the magazines . It has many global offices which are : New York metro ; Amsterdam ; Bangalore ; Birmingham ; Chicago ;Hong Kong ; London ; Los Angeles ; Seattle ; SF Bay Area ;Stamford ; Tampa and Farnborough. The company has been going since around 1800.


 Is an international publishing group. Future was set up in 1985 . Future has a portfolio of over 200 print titles, apps, websites and events. Having websites and apps show the brand is up to date and appeals the magazines to young people. Offices in the UK, USA and Australia.
Some brands include Guitarist ; musicradar ; Rhythm ; Bass ; Acoustic  ; Blues. 

Anthem Publishing 

Uk's only publisher of both music-making and music-listening magazines. Is also fastest growing publishing company. Has brands such as:
Country music : News, reviews and previews which keep readers purchasing the magazine .Many of the readers only listen to country music and are brand loyal. Age range is around 20-40 year olds.
Vintage rock: covers fashion, cars, tours and new music to do with the rock era 50s-60s and it includes album reviews and events ect... audience profile is male ,50's and has high levels of disposable income.
Classic Pop: biggest selling pop magazine for an adult readership, based on 60's,70's,80's and music today . includes live reviews ,you tube playlists so readers can keep up with favourite artists .The market is rock pop / pop. The audience profile is male in their 40's.

Saturday 10 December 2016

Front cover drafts

Draft 1                                                                                                                 Draft 5

Draft 2                                                                                                                                        Draft 6

Draft 3                                                                                                                                              Draft 4

Friday 2 December 2016

Selection and Rejection for shoot 4

 I like this photo because it shows the model being serious and almost intimidating , however, I wouldn't use this image for my magazine because it doesn't show her fun side.

I like this photo because of the lights that I captured in it, I think it gives a more festive feel which is the season my magazine would be out in. I also think it adds another layer onto the photo and captures her happy side.

I love this picture because it shows the models fun side. It shows she is relaxed and is looking directly into the camera which creates a relationship with the reader, which is what I want my magazine to do.I would use this for my double page spread.
 I like this image because it shows the artist is being her normal self and is more comfortable. It also creates an attitude because she is not looking into the camera.
I will use this image on my contents page because it shows the model having fun with her dog and enjoying the shoot. It will also distract the reader from outside life because it gets them intrigued to why she has her dog.

Thursday 1 December 2016

phootshoot plan 4

This photoshoot is for my contents page however,  I may use these for my double page spread.The location of this shoot will be in a set up studio at a friends house. I will be walking to the location and my model will be already there.My model (greta) will be the same as my front cover.The outfit she will be wearing is a green jumpsuit and a necklace . Her make up will be simple with just eyeliner . My shots will mostly be close ups or a medium close up.The lighting will be bright to give a positive image.I will frame my shot by being in the center and some looking over the model.I will reach my TA because my model will look fun and sexy .