Thursday 17 November 2016

Planning selection of my favourite 6

I like this photo because her facial expression, it creates the image that she doesn't know where she is and is shocked like she is in wonderland.I will have to crop the photo is I am to use it because you can see behind the screen however, this is not an issue because I will use Photoshop for that.

I like this photo because of her pose, she looks directly into the camera she looks serious, which creates an relationship with the reader.Having her hands near her face suggests shes delicate .She keeps a straight face which intimidates the reader into reading the article .This also needs cropping.

I like this image because she is pictured with a mushroom and looks shocked by it.This creates humour because she is pulling a funny shocked face which shows  the reader she is comfortable.I also like the fact there is a mushroom used a prop, I think it creates the image of Alice and wonderland and portrays it really well, I will also have to crop this image due to being able to see behind the screen.

I like this one because her back is turned to the camera and she is looking back at the camera, this suggests she is going to go explore where she is and to go look around. It creates the image that she is going on an adventure (through her past). This image also needs cropping due to being able to see the sides but that isn't a problem. however I don't think I would use this one for my double page even though I like it.

I like this one because she is looking at the mushroom and examining it. It almost creates the image that she is trying to work out where she is and is looking for clues .I like the lighting because it brings out the colour of her costume . However, I don't think the image is straight and I would need to get rid of the sides which I could do on Photoshop.

I like this image because of how her hands are near her face , however I don't like her facial expression she looks to serious for the pose , which I don't want for my magazine. Again I would have to crop the photo . I also like the lighting on her face because it shows her make up more.

I have not chosen the picture for my double page spread yet however, I know I will use one of these.

1 comment:

  1. Change this post title please. It should begin with Planning .
    EG Planning selection of my favourite 6 image. I would also like to see you sue Flickr and obtain TA feedback.
