Tuesday 1 November 2016

Research Star Image

The star image that jazz presents is a stylish and formal star. They present there star's as always smartly dressed and give them a more old fashioned way of dressing . They do this by dressing the star in suites or dresses.They present them like this because the target audience is of an older generation .

Image result for jazz magazines front coversThe star is represented to be inviting but the more young stars have attitude  by not looking in the camera, they create a more rock n roll attitude to make the magazine more modern.This ties in with dyers theory he looks to be smart and sophisticated, this therefore suggests people would treat him with more respect.I think this also backs up Richard Dyers theory of how the artist is seen is how they are treated. Because the artist looks calm and inviting meaning others will be more comfortable reading his feature [representation theory].

This represents the star as having an attitude and a cool image. The image they give this star is that he is calm. They dressed the model in a plain white tshirt and a black jacket.  It makes the model look intense . It makes the artist attractive .The model looks like he is a bad boy which would links with Dyers theory[representation theory]. It is also links with Mulveys theory however, it is a more modern view of this theory because he has been made to look like this for womens gaze.

This shows a women star which mine will be. She is presented as sexy and beautiful this supports laura Mulvey's theory of women were created for the male gaze however, in a more modern view she could be seen as independent and strong. She is pictured in a dress (from what it looks like) it seems to be tight which breaks and follows conventions, Jazz magazines normally picture women in dresses however not as tight as this. She is being presented as fun and flirty which breaks the symbolic view of women are meant to look after the children and clean.This supports Dyer's representation theory that a star is an image not a real person.


This shows the difference between the young and the old and how they are presented.

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