Tuesday 1 November 2016

Planning star images..

Double Page spread ...

Article contents ;
My article will be about how the artist became famous and how they got recognised in the music industry. The artist is a Jazz solo artist , who is called Alex . She is young and is 17 this will create more of a relationship with the reader because of the target audience . Her background will be that she was an outcast at school and found hope and happiness in her music. The theme for the pictures will be alice and wonderland.There will be a large picture taking up the first p[age of the double spread. I will also include a drop capital to start my article and will include information eg page number and the magazine name at the bottom of the page. The theme for my double page spread will be Alex and wonderland .

Contents page ;
My contents page will be across 2 pages and will include many pictures of gigs and also some from the competition and some of the the double page spread. My contents page will also include a letter from the editor of the magazine to create a relationship with the reader. It will include information about social media . The numbers of the page will be in a different colour and font than the title of the page and the information about the page.

Front cover;
My front cover will have my model looking into the camera. I want to make her seem confident to show the readers the contrast of how she was back before her fame and how she is now she has been recognised. I will also have her as glamourous to show how her life has changed. 

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