Wednesday 30 November 2016

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Alex is one of the biggest selling jazz artist of our time but do we really know her. In this exclusive interview we dig into her past and how she has become the Alex we know and love her. Alex recently announced a new (different) dug up the gossip and the true meanings behind her songs. So in a retro coffee shop we got to work for you guys!

After having a break from the public eye we are the first magazine Alex has talked to and haven’t we got lots in store for you !  
What was the most difficult period of your life? ‘My school life was the hardest time of my life, I struggled with almost every subject even at college. So I understand what some of my fans maybe going through, I love to feel like I can help them by my music. ‘Did you feel alone and did you listen to music to help? Yes I did feel very alone (pauses) I didn’t have an artist I could relate to which is why it means so much to me to be there for my fans ‘.  What did you use as an escape? ‘I used my own music, I put my anger and hurt into my music so that I did have a release, it did help and I hope I can just help others’. Alex’s songs are well known to be based on her past experiences in life which have proved very popular with jazz audiences across the years, winning her many awards including 3 jazz time’s best new album and best new coming artist in jazz. Over the last year Alex has been on a break from her music however, she has announced recently on her social media that a new album will be out December this year. What influenced this album? ‘Lots of things really. I guess my home life. My mum isn’t very well so I guess that was a big factor of what inspired me. But I just wrote what I felt it wasn’t inspired my anything really expect my feelings.’ How long have you been working on the album for and is there any special experiences we can know about? ‘The album has been in progress for around a year and a half I did most my writing while I took my break. I wish I could tell you! But I want it to be a surprise for my fans.  Is there any other big news we should know about? ‘You’ll see, I can’t tell any secrets yet ‘.  Her fans still have some waiting to do. But we did get some juicy gossip on the meanings of some of the songs on the new album (different), we picked the five most popular from the tweets we received and asked her.
War of hearts
‘The meaning of the songs is just about really fighting with a partner but you do it out of love. Me and my boyfriend fight all the time but we never mean it so one day I just thought. HEY! Write a song about it!’
‘This is probably the least emotional song I have. It’s literally just about the water of the sea. While I was on holiday (Italy) I looked out and thought of how beautiful it was so I just sat with my note pad and it just happened.’
‘This is more personal, it’s about my friend’s addiction to drugs. I wanted to write something about it and I thought it would make her see she wasn’t alone. And that’s all there is to that song’
‘Old is about when we get old we get fragile and I don’t want to be like that. I wanna stay like this forever. Its also about that id like to grow old with someone not alone because for me that’s my worst fear.
Letting go
‘A family member recently passed away and this song and the production of it really helped me find my way and helped me handle my emotions. I didn’t wanna talk to anyone so instead I guess I could say I talked to my pen and notebook and wrote a song.

We also surprised 2 lucky fans with a chance to ask their own questions. The fans molly aged 15 and Liam aged 17 asked 2 questions and got their chance with their idol. Liam: did you have any friends at school or college and what did you do? Alex: I didn’t have many I had a close friend who didn’t go to the same place as me so I just put my all into school to try understand but I ended up going to music in my free time working on my music which I guess is pretty sad ( laughs). Molly: how did you cope with exams? Alex: I took breaks it’s never good working yourself to hard. And I made sure I had an escape, which was my music.’ Liam: how did you get recognised? ‘I entered a lot of competitions in school so that had helped but it was mostly singing on the street at the right place right time. I got spotted by pure luck really! Molly: do you think your background and where you came from effected your chance? ‘Honestly yes I do think I would have been singled out if people knew, I was from a rough area and that intimated people and made them doubt if I could do it. I think I was very lucky but if I can make it anyone can.’
We can expect to see Alex at the jazz festival and Glastonbury this year where we will catch up with her again. Her new album ‘different’ is due out in December but available to pre order now on iTunes. Keep up to date with all things Alex on her social media and the Iconic website where the interview is available online to watch and to listen to on our podcast .

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