Thursday 27 October 2016

DPS analysis +3

The headline is in bold white font, this draws attention to the article. It is in capitals , this shows its important .The font is very simple this to keep all the attention on the artist which is featured. This is common in a jazz magazine . The font is serif which is a convention of jazz. Using the colour white is a convention of jazz magazines. It gives the image off that the artist is pure and calm. It could also mean that the magazine is pure and is calming to read.  It says the date of the artists life which creates a more intimate relationship with the reader . The letters are white to show respect to the artist .

There is an introduction to the article under the headline.They use words like 'lost' and 'legendary' this contrasts each other. It is showing that the artist was loved by many and creates a intimate connection  . It is formal , this because of the topic it is about, it would be inappropriate to have the language informal because it would be disrespectful.It is written in white to keep the article pure . The colour white also makes the text bold and stands out on the blue background behind it.

The image takes up a whole page , the artist looks directly at the camera creating a connection with the reader.This makes the article more emotional because he has died.  He has his arms folded this shows him as professional and ready to make music. It also shows him as serious and that music is very important to him. He is wearing a suit which is a convention of jazz.  The article looks like it would be targeted to an older generation, this is because of the artist he is of an older age in the photo also because of the way the articles layout. It is very plain and boring this would not appeal to a younger audience. The blue of the background creates a cool and calm feel , however, it could represent sadness because the artist has passed away. There is only one image on the page so all focus is on the artist .

The text is set into three columns which are spaced out with a gutter.  It has small sized text and has a lot of writing this would not appeal to a younger generation.  The language used is intimate and formal register  . This is because of the contexts of the article.The medium  is a double page spread and uses tenor because it changes when speaking or quoting different people.

How this research influenced my creativity and planning ?

  • I dont like the colours that are used
  • I dont like the image quality 

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