Friday 2 December 2016

Selection and Rejection for shoot 4

 I like this photo because it shows the model being serious and almost intimidating , however, I wouldn't use this image for my magazine because it doesn't show her fun side.

I like this photo because of the lights that I captured in it, I think it gives a more festive feel which is the season my magazine would be out in. I also think it adds another layer onto the photo and captures her happy side.

I love this picture because it shows the models fun side. It shows she is relaxed and is looking directly into the camera which creates a relationship with the reader, which is what I want my magazine to do.I would use this for my double page spread.
 I like this image because it shows the artist is being her normal self and is more comfortable. It also creates an attitude because she is not looking into the camera.
I will use this image on my contents page because it shows the model having fun with her dog and enjoying the shoot. It will also distract the reader from outside life because it gets them intrigued to why she has her dog.

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